torsdag 29 mars 2012

Unlikely Ice Cream

Mashti Malone's in Hollywood, lodged in a little strip mall on La Brea, might have the best ice cream in town. It's specialty is a selection of rose water based ice creams that, while were enjoyable, had a bit too much of a rose aromatic to suit my liking. On the other hand, their more standard flavors were delicious versions of familiar flavors. Two stand outs that I tried were black cherry and pistachio. Black cherry was not only light and creamy but also brought me back to my childhood days of black cherry Haagen-Daaz. Pistachio, despite having a suspiciously unnatural neon green tinge, turned out to be deliciously chewy and thick with a mild sweetness to it. The other flavor pictured however is the chocolate fudge; an equally tasty, chewy and thick treat.

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