tisdag 10 april 2012

Passover Seder

The Seder went great. Cooked kugel for my first time. Turned out great. Cinnamony, sugary, eggy, doughy, cheesy. Did a 5lb brisket that almost got ruined. But, thanks to some patient carving and delicious jus even boiled sneakers would have tasted good. Family turned up from all over. Well, mostly LA and 1 cousin from SF. I was excited about the organic wine I had chosen for the evening, but was disappointed by all except one. Think it was called green truck or something. I can check. Jojomojo did a great job of making the place look heavenly. And we didn't even fight over how to lead the Seder! No Elijah though. Maybe it's cause we gave him Manischewitz and kept the good stuff for ourselves.

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